Working with freelancers to ensure opportunities for professional development within Turtle Key Arts and collaborating companies & artists. Examining how optimal circumstances for freelancers to do their work can be guaranteed and embedded in practices. Committing to further developing sustainability in companies’ practices. To ensure that professional development opportunities are available to freelance workers, Turtle Key Arts and collaborating companies and artists, pledge:

  • to offer early career development by providing support, skills & knowledge sharing
  • access to ITC training and development courses at a discounted rate through Turtle Key Arts membership
  • to invest in freelancers by sharing the skills base of Turtle Key Arts and collaborating companies and artists to develop new skills and improve existing ones [ 3 ]
  • to actively participate in sharing networking events (organised annually by Turtle Key Arts) for freelancers to network and support other people within the Turtle Key Art’s freelance community.
  • to offer freelancers training events to share skills as members of the Turtle Key Arts community
  • to offer opportunities for evaluation and reflection at the end of each project
  • to offer advice/support for freelancers who might wish to sit on the board of a company

[ 3 ] Turtle Key Arts through its broad range of projects offer and run a number of training session which are offered out free of charge to freelancers within our network. These include; working and running projects for those with Dyslexia, Autism, Dementia, HIV. Hosting and running accessible and inclusive projects and work environments. Hosting relaxed performances in theatres.


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